Bearded Dragon Fat Pads

Excavator Clay Impaction

Handling a bearded drake's skin can cause serious scratches. The reptile will become more docile after it has been acclimated. Avoiding minor scrapes or cuts by wearing long-sleeved clothes and gloves when handling the beardie is important. It is important to remember that all reptiles have the potential for Salmonella bacteria. If not treated, it can cause serious illness.

Excavator Clay Impaction

Rango Bearded Dragon

They received their name due to the flap of skin under their chin which opens up to scare off predators. The common name Bearded Dragon refers to all 8 species of the genus Pogona. They used to be in the genus Amphibolurus grouping, but has since been placed in Pogona.

Vinegar To Clean Bearded Dragon Cage

Could you have missed it? This should certainly happen more often, but unless you follow her every movement, you might have not noticed it happen.If she was brumating in her previous home, it is normal to take some time to re-adapt her body to her normal self.

Vinegar To Clean Bearded Dragon Cage
Bearded Dragon Care Requirements

Bearded Dragon Care Requirements

You no longer need to guess if what you are feeding is beneficial to your bearded dragon or not. This list gives you the information on what to feed your bearded dragon, and also what you should avoid.

Bearded Dragon Very Active But Not Eating

Reptiles need UVB light to process the calcium they intake from their diets. If your UVB bulb is too weak, too far, or simply too old to provide the stated amount of UVB light, your dragon will experience calcium deficiency which can be quite serious. (Keep in mind some bulbs need to be changed on a monthly basis! and most of them do not last longer than 6 months).

Bearded Dragon Very Active But Not Eating
Bearded Dragon Care Night Lighting
Bearded Dragon Care Night Lighting

They vary from brown to orange depending on the species and morph. Sandfire morphs are closer to a red color, while pastel lizards have a silute pigmentation. Some are also known to come in yellow.

Do Bearded Dragons Eat During Brumation

Beardies have round pupils, fleshy tongues, and lateral spines that travel down their sides to the base of their tail. Their heads are large and broad and have a triangular shape. They also have “beards” that distend and serve as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened.

Bearded Dragon Fat Pads
Do Bearded Dragons Eat During Brumation